Showing posts with label tag questions. Show all posts
Showing posts with label tag questions. Show all posts

12 March 2009

Week 5

Can you find your name here? I hope I haven't forgotten anyone!!

G'day and welcome to this week's blog!

I know you are all very tired as you are working so hard doing maybe First Aid and the Linked Skills Course and English as well! I know it will all be worth it in the end!

It was great to see most of you finish off the tasks for your blogs last week. Now that you are up to date we'll be able to move on to other things!

This week, in our Tuesday morning class we read some more of our novel, Opal Crazy! I'm sure you're all looking forward to finding out who the skeleton was, how 'he' died, will Amy and Steve find any opal and do women bring back luck? What kind of superstitions are their in your culture? Write about a couple of them in your blog. Even if you don't come to class on Tuesday am, you can still write about superstitions in your country!

The picture below is called a wordle! It's so easy to use and fun to create! I'll give you the details later! Have a look at this wordle and see if you can work out the sentence! Write your answer in the Comments section of today's post. Good luck!

The 'big' words mean that you have to use them more than once. For example, you have to use YOU twice!

This is the link to the Wordle site! Try creating your own wordles for your classmates!
You recently visited the library with Andrew. Listen to one of the St George librarians, Patricia, and do the worksheet with it. You can print off the questions to help you. Write your answers in your blog.
The librarians at St George are producing excellent tutorials on how to use some of their facilities. You can find them in their wiki, St George Library wiki. Keep visiting it to learn how to put money in your TAFE library to photocopy or print from one of the library computers, searching skills, etc. Today have a look at their tutorial on how to start your TAFE portal access and change your password. In your blog, choose one of the items they talk about and write out the procedure for it!

If you finish all this work, you can have a look at Time4English and complete the exercises on tag questions from the Grammar section.

Happy Blogging!